What are visitors looking for at TIWF 2024 (Thailand International Woodworking & Furniture Exhibition)
What are visitors looking for at TIWF 2024 (Thailand International Woodworking & Furniture Exhibition)
At VietnamWood 2023, the TIWF team met with Mr. Stefan from Baumer Inspection GmbH and Mr. Wilhelm from Anthon Asia Pte. Ltd. We shared valuable insights and exciting business possibilities between the German and Thai woodworking & furniture industries.
Connect and meet face-to-face with over 4,000 international and local trade attendees/buyers from the woodworking and furniture manufacturing industries of Thailand and ASEAN!
Thailand’s wood and wood product exports achieved a significant milestone, totaling 104 billion baht in 2022. In the first four months of this year alone, the export value has already surged to 36.4 billion baht, reflecting a remarkable 5.31% increase compared to the same period last year.
Thailand imported US$ 70.9 million of woodworking machines, becoming the 34th largest importer of woodworking machines in the world. Woodworking machines are the 422nd most imported products in Thailand. Key import markets are from China, Taiwan and Malaysia.
Today, Thailand International Woodworking and Furniture 2024 (TIWF 2024) has compiled a list of 10 key trends in woodworking production techniques that will drive the competitiveness of Thailand’s woodworking industry, and set the direction for its future development and growth.
TA CHOU INDUSTRY CO LTD IS TIWF GOLD SPONSOR is TIWF Gold Sponsor! The company was founded in 1988. Initially, the company was a manufacturer of Fine Wire Staples